Siteocre MVP summit 2016 - Day 1

Sitecore MVP Summit 2016 – Day 1

This year’s Sitecore MVP Summit is being hosted in New Orleans for the second time in a row. An ideal opportunity for dedicated Sitecore users and developers that have earned the title of MVP in the past year to help set the roadmap for the upcoming year. It also offers a unique opportunity to get a firsthand insight into what the product wants to evolve into and what the overall roadmap is for the upcoming releases.

As a technicalical MVP, I am attending the Summit with our Digital Strategy MVP - Thomas Danniau. We are are currently at the MVP Summit to make sure that every aspect that holds significant value to our new and existing customers is taken in and properly evaluated.

As the information that is disclosed on the summit is mostly under NDA, MVP’s are not allowed to share any specific details on the product’s next features or overall roadmap. So, we’re afraid that is not what we are able to share with you on this blog post.

However, what we can share though is that Sitecore has been good at work to further establish a strong MVP user base. This means, that there is a very strong group out there that holds Sitecore’s interests close at heart and helps companies that consider or have chosen Sitecore as a CMS to make the right decisions and help them optimize their digital business.

This year’s summit kicked off with an insight into the types of MVP’s as well as their origin. Turns out that the MVP’s hail from 19 different countries and make up for a total of 142 experienced and driven Sitecore specialists. These consist of 9 Ecommerce MVP’s, 22 Digital strategists and approx. 110 Technical MVP’s.

As I mentioned, most if not all, information shared on the summit is not meant to be shared so I cannot provide you with an overview on all the topics handled on this first day?

However, it is fair to say that Sitecore understands the need for a thoroughly documented system and will keep on investing there.The same can be said about  E-commerce, which is an undeniable web strategy that Sitecore is determined to take on head-first.,

And Sitecore, as any strong and self-sufficient product, is challenging itself as a product on both a feature and implementation level. This means that they look for customers and developers alike to provide feedback that can help to streamline the product even more.

This, as was the case with the MVP Summit in 2015 holds a lot of promise for the future of the products and we are already excited about what 2016/2017 will bring.


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